Northern Striking Systems

We are two Canadian Muay Thai fighters seeking to take our game to the highest of levels while sharing our insights.


Reaching Greater & Greater Heights

Hany and Thomas continue to climb the ranks of national and international professional Muay Thai competition. They're established fighters, excellent personal trainers, and the sky is the limit for the heights they'll climb. We're glad to be a part of their journey.

Project Start Date
December 25, 2020
Client Name
Hany Siam
Client Position
Professional Fighter
Client Name
Thomas Mandra
Client Position
Professional Fighter

Digital Marketing Services Applied:

Graphic Design
Online Sales and Digital Marketing Consulting
Search Engine Optimization
Website Design
Website Development
"We love it! Thank you for all your work!"

Hany Siam

Professional Fighter

Northern Striking Systems

"It looks good on a phone and is even more slick on a desktop."

Thomas Mandra

Professional Fighter

Northern Striking Systems


The Challenge

Hany & Thomas wanted to expand their reach and share their love for Muay Thai with a wider audience. Also, being professional Muay Thai fighters, they wanted to have a website on which to highlight their fight record, pictures, and bring attention to their social media channels. They also wanted to make it easy for people to contact them for personal training sessions.

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The Solution

We built a simple, long scrolling page, to hit all points. We designed a fun, custom graphic in the hero section to draw attention and demonstrate their unique flair. We added slideshows for their favourite images, and multiple calls to action for contacting them for training sessions. We also took the vision they had for their logo and made it a reality (a "teep" kick to the face).

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